
5 Career Fields of the Future

It’s no doubt that you have been told to think about your future your entire life. You may have been told to think about what you intend to do in college, what you want to study, or the career you want to pursue. This is true for high school students

The truth is, thinking about your career is not enough. You need to do some research and plan. Technology and the world is advancing at a rapid rate that it is difficult to know what the labor market will be like in 10 years, much less after your graduation. 

So, how are you supposed to know the best careers for the future? What are the important considerations to make when choosing your careers? Don’t you worry? We have got you covered. Here are some of the best career opportunities in IT and how you can get your foot in the door. 

Unless you have been living in a cage for the last two decades, you already know the role that software plays in our lives. Whether it is the new app or social media platform that you cannot get enough of, you have a software developer to thank for it. 

It is impossible to understate the role that software developers play in the modern world. everything you see on your laptop or smartphone was built by a software developer. From the utility apps that assist in report writing to programs that help you track and schedule, down to your favorite videogames, are all thanks to the hard work of software developers. 

The developers do much more than building the programs. They are also responsible for fixing any bugs and updates to ensure the apps run smoothly. No wonder developers are in such high demand!

This career field has positively exploded in the last decade. And yes, big data is more than a buzzword, it is a growing field with lucrative opportunities for graduates. The projections for this career field are among the strongest in the market. 

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the estimated growth rate for jobs in this field is 16 percent. Well, this is three times the average growth rate for jobs which is five percent. 

Most people worry that a robot will take their job someday. Instead of worrying, why don’t you be the person to design the robot. 

Artificial intelligence is a growing field with a wide range of occupations, ranging from arterial intelligence researchers to natural language processing to robotic engineers. 

Since it is a new and exciting field, there is room for growth in this industry. Even better, it can be a lucrative career. According to the New York Times reports, top AI researchers in big companies are getting salaries in high six figures. 

As the world increasingly becomes more digital, the need for cybersecurity is also growing. Potential data breaches are a huge deal and expose the private details of both the company and its customers. 

According to a study by IBM, the average total cost of a data breach is upwards of $3.92 million. With this, it’s no doubt that companies are willing to pay handsomely to protect their data. 

The median salary for a cybersecurity expert ranges from $80,000 for IT consultants. The figure can reach six figures for these in senior positions like security director. 

A database administrator manages the organization’s data. They ensure that databases run efficiently and are free from any unauthorized users. They are also responsible for organizing and storing the same data. 

A database administrator needs to understand the database language, especially SQL. According to studies, this career field is estimated to grow by 11 percent before 2026. 


these are just a choice few of the many IT careers with promising futures. The best career is one that’s right for you. so, take your time, go through them and make your decision on the career field to pursue. 

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