
Believing These Myths About Business Technology Keeps You from Growing

These days, keeping your business growing is a necessity if you want to have a viable enterprise that survives turbulent times. While a steady-as-she-goes approach might have worked in past years, it’s not sufficient anymore. Adaptability and being able to quickly respond to changing market and business conditions have become critical skills. Companies that embrace change and aggressively seek opportunities for improvement will find themselves outpacing the competition and gaining market share. 

In general, change is not easy for any of us as humans. The fear of the unknown often holds us back, and we translate that fear into reasons why we can’t do something new. Oftentimes, these reasons are based on myths that we have repeated in our heads day after day. This is especially true when it comes to adopting new advances in business technology. It’s important to move beyond the myths that constrain us and position ourselves as innovators poised to thrive and grow.

The Technology is Too Expensive

We’re often reluctant to spend money on new technology. The thought of opening up the budget and investing in new equipment or software keeps us from going forward with improvements that would truly benefit our operations and our company. While this is understandable if you are looking at a project with extremely high costs and limited payback, it should not apply to technology expenditures that are reasonable and have a great return on investment. Dashboard cameras are extremely cost-effective and investment in this technology can dramatically improve the bottom line. By installing them, you’ll be able to see behind the wheel of every vehicle in your fleet. With dash cams, your investment will more than pay for itself as you’ll be able to improve driver behavior, reduce accidents and prevent false insurance claims.

The Way We Are Doing It Today is Just Fine

One of the most prevalent myths that have to be dismantled and overcome is that everything is fine when we do things just like we’ve always done. Companies simply cannot survive in today’s environment by relying on thinking that discourages innovation and improvement. Rather than simply falling back on usual procedure or tradition, it’s time to look at things with new eyes. There have been tremendous innovations in business technology in recent years. By taking the approach of looking for constant improvement, you’ll be able to leverage technologies that help you dramatically improve efficiency and gain an advantage in the marketplace.

I’ll Have to Spend Too Much on New IT Staff

Just years ago, companies that pursued new technology also found themselves having to invest in costly Information Technology (IT) staff. The hardware and software had been purchased and maintained in-house, and high salaried IT professionals were added to the employee total. With the proliferation of Software as a Service (SaaS) offerings, this is no longer the case. Now you can rent complete solutions that you simply pay for on a monthly basis. The entire technology infrastructure, from hardware to software and staff, is provided by the vendor. There’s no more costly data center to run, it’s all available in the cloud.

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