
How Software & Customer Behaviour Have Changed the Modern Automotive Industry

The invention of the automobile revolutionized modern life. And after that, the invention of the assembly line by Henry Ford further revolutionized the vehicle industry.

It’s difficult to picture life without cars, trucks, and other vehicles. We rely heavily on their convenience, utility, and carrying power. Without them, the modern industry would grind to a standstill. Every day people would struggle to meet their commitments – getting to work, getting the kids to school, and getting away for a weekend. Whether they drove an SUV or a sedan, it would be a challenge without the family car

In this article, we’re going to discuss how software and customer behavior have changed the modern automotive industry.

How Software Has Changed the Industry

The invention of the computer has changed the automotive industry in a variety of ways.  

Safety Systems

One change that software has afforded the automotive sector has been safety features in cars powered by software and hardware.

Most modern vehicles feature autonomous safety systems like Autonomous Emergency Braking or AEB

AEB systems use cameras and other technology to monitor road conditions and provide emergency braking if required.

Car companies have also innovated and designed other safety technologies powered by computers, such as lane drift detection. 

Entertainment Systems

Top-tier modern cars feature state-of-the-art entertainment systems, powered by software. From Bluetooth audio systems to media players for passengers, modern cars are a far cry from the model that rolled off the assembly line a century ago.

GPS Navigation 

Global Positioning Systems, or GPS, have changed the automotive industry for the better.

In years past, a driver would have to consult a hard copy map or road map book in order to navigate from A to B.

Now, most cars have an inbuilt GPS, allowing for ease of navigation while you drive. 

How Customer Behaviour Has Changed the Automotive Industry

Now we’re going to talk about how customer purchasing behaviour has changed the sector.

Buying Habits Have Changed

Customer buying behaviour has changed in modern times. One example is that often a family would have a single car, usually purchased and driven by the man of the house.

These days, many families have two or more cars – as the children grow up and get cars of their own. The industry has adapted to meet this demand, ramping up production.

People Prefer Larger Cars

Another change in customer behavior is that people are buying larger cars, like SUVs or people movers. 

This is a change from a few decades ago, where the sedan was the car of choice. 

In order to meet this demand, more manufacturers are building larger cars to cater to this need.

People Research Online First

In years gone past, people would head straight to the dealership when looking to buy a car. These days, the majority of customers look online first.

They will research different brands and models and compare prices across different brands. Once they have a clearer idea of their wants and needs, they will head out to a dealership.

Car companies have had to adapt to this change, by investing in digital marketing and a heavier online presence. 

A Car Conclusion 

In this article, we’ve discussed how software, technology, and changing customer behavior have changed the modern automotive industry. 

Safety and navigation systems have changed how cars are designed and made. Cars are safer and have more inbuilt technology today compared to ten or twenty years ago. 

While changing customer behavior has seen variations in how manufacturers build and market their products. 

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