
5 Tips To Buy A Domain Name That Your Customers Remember

Your domain name has a life past your website and social media. From flyers to emails and products to packaging, the domain name represents your brand identity everywhere

Moreover, thanks to the digital era, brand names today are preferred to be customer-friendly as well as SEO-friendly. And due to this wide visibility of your domain that grabs attention and influences buying decisions getting the right domain name becomes more crucial.

Here are the tips to help you buy a domain that perfectly represents your brand online.

Easy To Type, Pronounce, And Remember

Easy to type domain names are a must in the digital world. Using slang, for example, using ‘u’ instead of ‘you’, or misspelled words like express vs. Xpress. Going overboard with such tactics might confuse your users, making it difficult for your audience to correctly type your brand name. 

The same rules apply when it comes to pronouncing the domain name. Imagine you have to describe your domain name with a hyphen or numbers in it. Such website addresses almost always confuse users. 

However, if you want to keep these in your domain name, you should register the possible available variations to be safe.

Use Keywords

When it comes to using keywords in the website address, you should do it as you sprinkle powdered sugar on your waffle. It’s a nice bonus but not necessary. Using just about the right keywords in quantity and relevancy gives a necessary SEO boost. 

If you are up for it choosing different extensions makes an interesting way to help you keep your website address simple, relevant, and keyword-rich. For example, if you are running a vegan clothing store, you can go for a domain name

If that’s not something you want, consider keeping your domain name easy to remember, type, and brand while keeping low on keywords.

Be Brandable

People use your domain name to find your business online. Thus, you should make sure to choose a domain name that stands out from the competition and is unique and memorable to grab a new audience to your website.

The beauty of the digital domain world is you have a variety of keyword-rich industry-relevant extensions to choose from.

You can choose an industry-specific extension to make your domain name sound relevant and help your target audience find you online amongst the competition.

Clear the Copyright Issues

As the domain name is among the crucial brand assets, no business likes to get into a legal battle over their sole brand identity.

Thus, to avoid these legal battles, once you have a list of prospective domain names, make sure you check for availability with the best domain provider in India online. 

Choose the Right Domain Extension

No matter how creative, unique, and brandable name you come up with, chances are that your might already be taken by another internet user. Choosing a different domain extension gives you a chance to move forward with your chosen domain name.  

A variety of new extensions, for example, ‘. Photography’, ‘. cricket’, ‘. club’, and ‘. guru’ make sure you choose short and highly relevant domain names.

Domain Names in Registry

With the rising popularity and opportunity websites and domain hosting providers offer for businesses, the rage of online presence has been resulting in quick domain sales. 

So, it’s best to keep your fingers quick on the keyboard and register the domain name online as soon as you have finalized it.

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