
Car Accident Avoidance Tips

Last month, the National Safety Council released a study that indicated that the use of seatbelts has varied widely, from state to state, as well as a definitive lack of drivers using their seatbelts, a problem that continues to contribute to accidents in the United States.

An estimated 9500 people succumbed to their injuries in 1999 because they were simply not wearing their seatbelts. More Americans are driving on roadways today, and because of this, Highway congestion can be bad during the summer season, something that has reminded consumers of, telling them to slow down and use the following 10 tips that can minimize the number of accidents that will occur:

Always go into traffic very slowly

It is important to stop, look both ways, and listen to what is around you. There are always going to be blind spots, and this includes those that will not be seen in your rearview mirror, as well as behind highway signs and windshield pillars. When you get to an intersection, and if you are making a right-hand turn, it is important to look twice before going forward. Most vehicles can show up almost instantly, so use your best judgment when going into busy intersection like Lawrenceville, GA traffic collision lawyer.

Look out for people that will run red lights

It’s important to count up to three before going into an intersection if there is a green light. You should always look both ways, making sure that people who are speeding are not trying to make that yellow light. It is always a good idea to use caution when you are going past semi-trucks. These drivers tend to have a very large blind spot, usually on the right-hand side, so you must be careful when you are traveling down the road adjacent to an 18 wheeler. If you personally cannot see the mirrors on the side of a truck, this means that the driver cannot see you.

It is important to always have at least one hand on your steering wheel at all times. This can reduce in-car distractions which may include eating, using your cell phone, changing stations on the radio, switching out CDs, all of which will require a momentary absence of your hand on the wheel. You may encounter a gust of wind, your tire could blow out, or you could hit a pothole, and this could lead to a serious accident if you are sent into the adjacent lane.

Watch for kids at all times

Animals and children have a definitive habit of showing up from in between parked cars, going right into the roadway. If you happen to be car driving in a residential neighborhood, and there are children present, you should slow down and be very careful.

It is important to perform regular maintenance on your engine. This will help you avoid stalling out, or if you have a vehicle failure, you can have this addressed along with changing your oil and making sure that your tires are properly inflated.

Always scan 12 seconds ahead of you

You should concentrate on wherever you are driving, and it should be about 12 seconds ahead of you. When driving on the highway, always position your vehicle far away from other cars so that, if they stop suddenly, or if they swerve, you can easily avoid them.

Look backward as you are backing out

Most of the fender benders that will occur in a parking lot tend to happen when vehicles are backing out of spaces. It is important to not just depend on your mirrors — you need to physically look over your shoulder, ensuring that you are looking directly at blind spots that will not be visible in a mirror.

Never tailgate

It is important to have a three-second cushion between you and the car that you are behind, which means, if you are traveling a long distance, try to leave earlier so you won’t have to speed. It is always tempting to go faster, but tailgating is not going to get you to your destination any sooner, and you can avoid major accidents.
Always be courteous to drivers on the road. It is well-known that no one actually owns the road, which means you need to respect others and also report suspicious driving to the authorities when you observe it.

If the worst happens and you are involved in an accident read this accident guide for all the advice you need post-accident.

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